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About Us

Tutatis are a distributor and producer with more than 30 years of experience specialising in the creation of street theatre, family theatre, event management (procession of kings, local festivals, corporate events) and customised assembly of programming for customers who require it.

Through different companies of family and street theater, our shows have achieved prestige and recognition in the Spanish and international territory; with prizes at FETEN, Aalborg or Gaukler Festung.


The shows of Tutatis have various distribution networks, so our potential buyers are diverse. Our shows may be of interest to:

  • Programmers of national and international festivals
  • Cultural experts of municipalities who want to program family or street theatre
  • Municipalities that need a manager / adviser for its festivals, procession of kings, Carnival parades, special parties
  • Programming networks or groups that work with municipalities
  • Theatre programmers
  • Programmers of civic centers, cultural centers and libraries
  • Private distributors
  • Companies seeking shows or event managers for their acts
  • Any person who want to program a show or stage an event.